Visiting A Patient

Visiting Hours at Inova Children's Hospital


We are privileged to be able to provide care to your child during these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and respiratory and flu season. You are a critical part of your child’s health and we encourage you to be present. We ask that you follow these simple guidelines to support a safe healing environment for you, your child, and our team members.

  • Wash your hands and use the waterless hand gel, A LOT!
    • Times when this is most important: before and after you leave your child’s room, before and after touching your child or anything in their immediate reach, and any time before and after you touch your face, nose or hair. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Two parents/guardians or designated caregiver may be at the bedside 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Parents/Guardians/caregivers are encouraged to stay overnight with your child.
  • Please stay home if you are sick or have a pending or positive COVID-19 test.
    • If you cannot be here, you may choose a well caregiver to be here in your place. You are a critical part of your child's health, and we will stay connected virtually.
    • We follow CDC guidelines if you are sick or have a positive COVID-19 test. To visit safely, you must be fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND 10 days or more since symptoms began or a positive COVID-19 test (20 days if you are immunocompromised) AND your symptoms are improving.
  • If your child has a positive COVID-19 test result, there are additional steps in order to protect your family and others.
    • We highly recommend only one person at the bedside at a time. Please stay in your child’s room with the door closed.
    • Reduce the frequency of entrance/exit to hospital to once a day, as possible. Please do not go to gift shops, coffee stands, cafeteria, etc. We understand this may be inconvenient and our team is here to help meet your needs.
    • We encourage you to keep your face mask on for the duration of your stay, but you may choose to remove it when team members are not present in the room. Your face mask must be on correctly when team members are in your child’s room.

Updated Mask Policy

Effective Monday, April 3, masking will be optional at Inova patient care sites. Exceptions include high-risk clinical spaces and for anyone interacting with patients who are identified by their provider as immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease from COVID-19. Patients should follow their provider’s masking instructions. If a patient or visitor is exhibiting active respiratory symptoms, they will be asked to wear a mask. Patients or patient representatives may request that Inova team members wear a mask while in a patient room or immediate patient care area. Read the full updated masking policy

Note that specific units may have additional safety measures in place. If you have further questions, please talk to your child’s doctor or nurse. We appreciate your trust and support as we provide world-class healthcare for you, your child and our community. Learn more about Inova's COVID-19 safety measures at