Research & Scholarly Activity at Inova's Pediatric Residency Program

Three residents in front of a research poster at a conferenceOur residents are actively engaged in research

Residents at Inova are actively involved in pediatric research. Our residents are primary authors on multiple articles in medical journals and have presented their research at national conferences.

Every resident is required to engage in a scholarly activity research project during their three years at Inova, and opportunities are plentiful. Most of our faculty have a strong academic background in teaching and research, and they encourage our residents to pursue projects in the resident’s area of interest.

A resident poses in front of a research poster at a conferenceCurriculum

During the first year of training, residents participate in a longitudinal research curriculum. This curriculum is designed to prepare residents to be lifelong consumers of medical research, as well as to guide them through the process of designing and submitting research proposals.

Topics include study design, medical statistics, research ethics and many others. During intern year, our dedicated Director of Residency Research, Dr. Suchi Hourigan, meets with each resident to explore their research interests, pairs them with a mentor or project, helps guide them during residency.

One resident in front of a research poster at a conferenceRecent resident abstracts and publications

Khan F, Mani H, Chao C, Hourigan SK. Fecal Calprotectin as a Future Screening Tool for Large Juvenile Polyps. Global Pediatric Health. January-December 2015: 1–3.

Hourigan SK, Ta A, Wong SW, Clemency N, Provenzano MG, Baveja R, Iyer R, Klein E, Niederhuber JE. The microbiome in necrotizing enterocolitis: A case report in twins and mini-review. Clin Ther. 2016 Apr;38(4):747-53

Batra S, Johal J, Lee P, Hourigan S. Cap Polyposis Masquerading as Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Child. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2016 Jul 20.

Hazrati S, Hourigan SK, Waller A, Yui Y, Gilchrist N, Huddleston K, Niederhuber J. Investigating the accuracy of parentally reported weights and lengths at 12 months of age as compared to measured weights and lengths in a longitudinal childhood genome study. BMJ Open. 2016 Aug 4;6(8):e011653

Hieu T, Reid B, Bhatia B, Levorson R, Ehrlichiosis Induced Aseptic Meningitis and Second Degree Heart Block in an Adolescent Males. Infections Disease Journal. PIDJ-215-729R1. DOI: 10.1097/INE0000000000001161. 2016

Two residents pose in front of a research poster at a conferenceFarah Khan, Sahel Hazrati, Faith De La Cruz, Kathi Huddleston, Suchi Hourigan, John Niederhuber Clinical and Social Factors Associated With Being Overweight at 12 Months in Hispanic Versus Non-Hispanic Children. PAS 2016

Caitlin Yee, Suruchi Batra, Bernadette Diez, Nicholas Nguyen, Michael J. Sheridan, Mark Tufano, Natalie Sikka, Stacie Townsend, Suchi Hourigan. Do pediatric gastroenterologists acknowledge and address obesity at outpatient visits? Presented WCPGHAN 2016. WCPGHAN 2016

Suruchi Batra, Jasbir Johal, Peter Lee, Suchi Hourigan. Cap polyposis masquerading as inflammatory bowel disease in a child. WCPGHAN 2016

Barry, D., Herskovitz, S., Agarwal, S., Karr, S., "Restrictive Cardiomyopathy in a Toddler Aged Female" Poster Presentation. AAP-SOCC September 2017

Ta, A., Hourigan, S.K., Louis-Jacques, O., “A Case of Internal Biliary Fistula Secondary to Cushing’s Ulcer in a Child.” Accepted for Publication in July 2017: Practical Gastroenterology

Barry, D. "Ventricular Tachycardia in an Adolescent Female" Poster Presentation. AAP-SOCC September 2017

Hourigan, S.K., Ta A.D., Klein, E.Z., Baveja, R., Chettout,N, Clemency, N.C, Heberling, C., Subramanian, P, Hasan,N.A., Niederhuber, J.E., Colwell, R.R. “Differences in the Stool and Skin Microbiome, Virulence Factor and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in a Private Room verses a Shared Space Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.” American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting 2017. September 2017.

Ta, A.D., Barqadle, F., Varela, C., Leibowitz, I. “Ghastly Polyps and Horrible Emboli; An Unusual Case of Venous Thrombosis.” Pediatric Hospitalists Medicine Annual Meeting 2017. July 2017.

Ta, A., Hourigan, S.K., Louis-Jacques, O., Case of Cholecystoenteric Fistula Secondary to Duodenal Ulcer in a Child. World Congress NASPGHAN Annual Meeting 2016. October 2016.

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Contact us

Inova L.J. Murphy Children's Hospital
Pediatric Residency Program
Inova Fairfax Medical Campus
3300 Gallows Road
Falls Church, VA  22042-3300

Phone: 703-776-6652
Fax: 703-776-4323


About our unique location

Inova L.J. Murphy Children's Hospital
Located on the Inova Fairfax Medical Campus in beautiful Northern Virginia, about ten miles outside of Washington, DC, Inova L.J. Murphy Children's Hospital serves one of the country’s most rapidly growing and desirable areas. Our program benefits from a diverse patient population, resulting in a broad spectrum of clinical presentations and diagnoses.


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